Friday, February 10, 2012

ZanZe Club: The Interview

The ZanZe Club

 If you have been to ZanZe, you may have noticed there is much to explore and everything is very well designed.  Not only are the layout and buildings well planned and thought out, but the landscaping of the entire sim has had a lot of effort put  into it.  There are many amenities the sim offers, from the stores at the shopping mall plaza, the club, and meeroo market, to the estates the ZanZe team has open for rent for SL residents searching for their own quiet natural retreat to call home.

Being a newcomer to the ZanZe  staff, I still have not been able to fully discover the various hidden nooks and private spots located throughout the nature themed hills and islands, nor had I heard the background story of how the sim was created until just recently.  In the coming weeks, as one of the new bloggers on staff, I will be bringing you bits and pieces of life, entertainment, and fashion at ZanZe.

For my first feature, I will delve right in to the heartbeat of the sim where the rhythm thumps in time to the dancing feet of its patrons, the ZanZe Club.

I decided to have a sit down chat with ZanZe owner Zzoie Zee, and Director of Entertainment, Sweety Morigi, to find out more about one of the ZanZe sim's most central points.

ZanZe Owner - Zzoie Zee
IN: Thank you so much ladies for meeting with me today!
SM: You’re welcome, India:)))
IN: shouts: I am kind of the new kid on the block so there is still much I don’t know about how the sim first came to be. So, let us begin with a little bit of the background story of the sim itself. Zzoie, what inspired you to attain and create a sim, and what did you have in mind prior to its development, and during? What was your inspiration for its theme and offerings?
ZZ: hmmmm
ZZ: loaded question
SM: :)
 IN: I won't shout every question either. lol ;0
SM: laughs
ZZ: well... I guess I wanted to create a place where people could come and enjoy things.. I'm not sure if you are familiar with our neighboring sim.. Calas Gualdon?
ZZ: But I was shooting for something similar.
ZZ: As for the shops
ZZ: I originally wanted to have a place that was as inexpensive as possible for new creators that showed talent but just didn't have the L to get going.
IN: That is excellent that you want to provide that for creators.
ZZ: The problem is finding the creators.
ZZ: I don't want the typical SL crap
ZZ: You know like the slutty clothes that EVERYONE makes?
IN: Haha. Yes I am familiar.
ZZ: so...
ZZ: I didn't have the building skills behind me
ZZ: I really didn't know all that went into running sims and to be honest and learning as I go..
IN: That is awesome. You are quite the ambitious woman Zzoie.
ZZ: Ahhhh.. not really.. but I would like to get out of SL all that it has to offer.
IN: Was a club always a part of the plan?
ZZ: Yeah... but it wasn't ever meant to be a "night club" to be honest.
ZZ: It was more a part of the plan for clients to use for promotion parties, etc.
ZZ: But then
ZZ: everyone said u need the club to get the traffic up
ZZ: so... we are
IN: Clubs definitely do help with the traffic indeed! So, how did you and Sweety meet?
Director of Entertainment - Sweety Morigi
SM: Via Brain? And our Meeroos?
SM: I rent a stall on the Meeroo Market when we start talking
SM: and it was love at first sight:)
IN: Fun! So how long have you both known each other?
ZZ: hmmmm
SM: 2 days?
SM: looool
IN: Haha. Gotta love those meeroos. lol
IN: lolol
ZZ: Hahaha.. like Thanksgiving time??
ZZ: or Christmas?? Around then.
SM: Yes, something like that.
SM: X-mas
ZZ: Then Sweety was my maid of honor in my wedding
SM: yes:))
ZZ: and it’s all history.
ZZ: :-)
IN: Awww, lovely! :)
IN: How long has the club been open? From my understanding, it is relatively new.
SM: Zzoie exactly knows.
ZZ: Well... I only count from when Sweety took over really.
SM: Oh ok:)))
SM: Almost 3 weeks then.
ZZ: Yeah.
SM: Coming Sunday, 3 weeks.
IN: That was going to be my next question, how long has Sweety been in her role as
SM: :)
ZZ: Hahaha
ZZ: Answered it for ya.
IN: Did you have a Grand Opening? What was it like?
ZZ: We did have a grand opening.
ZZ: It was right around New Years... it was actually a great party.. I think we hit 60 people at once at one point.. but...
IN: Wow!
ZZ: Then things went south with me and my x and he stopped doing anything.
ZZ: We split and then Sweety stepped in and has been amazing in picking up the pieces.
SM: blushes
IN: That is wonderful...things only could go up from there right. lol
ZZ: Exactly
IN: Have either of you worked in or managed clubs prior to ZanZe?
ZZ: Hahahaha.. that’s a joke right??? NO
SM: me either
SM: neither
IN: Oh come on, everyone has worked in a club in SL! lolol just kidding! :)
ZZ: Not I.
ZZ: Hahaha
ZZ: Actually very rarely have even been to one.
IN: Wow! So this definitely is an adventure for you both!
SM: Yes:))
[14:46] Gold Trimmed Champagne Bucket*Touch for glass of Champagne*: Cheers...Enjoy Your Glass of Champagne!
IN: Tell me a bit about the entertainment here. What kinds of musical genres are played?
ZZ: That question is for Sweety.
[14:46] Gold Trimmed Champagne Bucket*Touch for glass of Champagne*: Cheers...Enjoy Your Glass of Champagne!
ZZ: Hahaha
IN: LOL.  Breaking out the champagne I see...
[14:47] Glass of Champagne whispers: Hmmmmmm Champagne!
ZZ: Just wanted to see what it did.
ZZ: Haha
SM: LOL....Good to know it’s there:)))
SM: Music genres?
SM: Well....earlier we heard a perfect Blues gig.
SM: We made the appointment he comes once a week
SM: and sometimes in the weekend too.
SM: from today on....Ballroom evening.
SM: Then we have Rock and Dance mixes.
SM: That’s it so far.
IN: It is nice you are integrating a ballroom evening as well. It sounds like you plan to have a good mix of music here.
IN: Do you mainly aim to showcase music played by DJ's or are you planning on having regular live performers?
SM: We had a live singer last week.
SM: And yes...the plan is to do that more often if possible
SM: But the question we need traffic first and then hire a live act?
SM: Or the live act to get more traffic?
SM: So....I'm puzzling
SM: But mainly we have the DJ's here.
SM: And 90% of the DJ's we have so far, is using his mic
SM: What is quite unique I think.
SM: Not really sure.
IN: Well...sometimes it is a hard balance to achieve, but if you can get a good act to come in who has many people in their group, they will announce where they play to the group which helps with the traffic thing...but you also need ways to hook those people into coming back. It can be tricky.
SM: Yes....
SM: So, I'm still not sure
SM: The chicken or the egg dilemma
SM: What was 1st?
IN: I have no doubt things will come together. :)
IN: Haha
IN: Now that is a nice dilemma...chicken or
SM: I'm also thinking about a Charity Event
IN: Those are excellent also.
SM: Or Tributes combine with Charity
IN: Have you found a few charities you are considering?
SM: All ideas
SM: Think about A Freddy Mercury Tribute
SM: and combine that with an AIDS Charity
IN: That would be incredible!
SM: or.....Girl Power combine with Pink Ribbon
SM: Things like that.
IN: I am looking forward to seeing events like that here. :)
SM: Wow.....means a lot of organizing
SM: and planning.
SM: But......I think it’s possible.
SM: I'm not scared.
IN: It is definitely a lot of organizing. we did events like that in a place I used to work at, and they are so worth doing!
SM: That’s what I think too.
SM: And....traffic!
IN: Especially when you know where donations are going and who they are going to help...and yes, lots of traffic!
SM: So...I have many plans.
SM: But first I wanna fill the Event Board:)))
IN: Trust me, I cannot wait to see what unfolds :)
SM: I do my best:)))
IN: What do you look for in a DJ or live artist when searching for club entertainment? Are you looking for more DJ's at this time?
SM: LOL....yes
SM: I can use ship loads!
IN: And who can they contact if interested in working here at the club?
SM: Me!
SM: But to be honest.......Everyone has his job
SM: 2 Captains on a ship never works
IN: Well everyone has their own roles here which brings me to the next question...
IN: Do you have other club staff? If so, can you tell me a little bit about who they are and their roles here as well?
SM: Ah.....that’s a Zzoie question.
ZZ: Well
ZZ: Basically there is Brain who does everything now.
ZZ: Bora did building
ZZ: and I had an estate manager who was AWFUL
ZZ: so Brain stepped up and took the reigns
ZZ: he has been AMAZING
ZZ: and I have no idea what I would do without these two
ZZ: we also have a security team
ZZ: two photographers
ZZ: waiting to work.
ZZ: Hahaha
IN: Aw, it is great to have such loyal and hardworking staff to pick up some of the slack when needed.
IN: Haha
ZZ: Seriously!
IN: Sounds like you have a growing
ZZ: Yes.. we are definitely growing
ZZ: and we will add sims as needed too.
SM: And the traffic too, I hope.
IN: We already touched a bit on what is in the ZanZe Club's future, but are there some noteworthy entertainers or events coming soon in the next couple weeks?
SM: Hm.....Valentine is coming:)))
SM: So, we wanna decorate the club and listen to slow, romantic songs coming week.
IN: Lastly, what can a ZanZe patron expect when they are here?
SM: Visitors you mean?
SM: Hm.....Good music and a warm and friendly welcome from me or from another Host
SM: And the chance to win some money too:)
IN: Yayyy, and we know people like that. Haha
SM: loool
SM: winks

I would like to sincerely thank Zzoie and Sweety for letting me do this interview about the ZanZe Club and Sim.  Clearly, they are enjoying making ZanZe an exciting and successful place that will have even more in store for the SL community in the future.  A business’ success is proportionate to the passion and vision of its owners and staff, and you will find absolutely no shortage of passion here at ZanZe!

Anyone interested in being a DJ at ZanZe, please contact Sweety Morigi for more information.

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